Branching Out Wood

Modern Functional Home Decor by David Wertheimer

Products & Shows

Working with Your Heirlooms

Products & ShowsDavid WertheimerComment

The most interesting and rewarding projects are those where the client has a deep emotional attachment between what I’m building or repurposing: refinishing a rocking horse, repurposing the shelving from an old office, or building a shadow box to show off heirlooms from a storied career. Here I touch on a few of those projects I’ve been privileged to work on over the years, including the steps I take to make sure the treasured centerpieces do not get damaged in the process.

Scrap Wood to Beautiful Furniture

Sustainability, Products & ShowsDavid Wertheimer2 Comments

Finding homes for beautiful scrap wood is a constant challenge for me; I’m always on the lookout for projects (or collaborators) that can put smaller and odd-shaped pieces to use. This design both caught my eye and was perfect for some pieces sitting in the workshop. Learn about the joints and fabrication of this unique piece, including a detailed dimensioned drawing to aid you in building it yourself!